Suicidal thought in southern Brazil: Who are the most susceptible?
The effects of two early parenting interventions on child aggression and risk for violence in Brazil (The PIÁ Trial): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (
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Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children: Lessons from International Research. (
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Contextual risk factors of depression and suicidal thoughts in Brazilian adults: a multilevel analysis. (
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Sex differences in adolescent physical aggression: Evidence from sixty-three low-and middle-income countries. (
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Trends and inequalities in maternal and child health in a Brazilian city: methodology and sociodemographic description of four population-based birth cohort studies, 1982–2015. (
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Low Maternal Capital Predicts Life History Trade-Offs in Daughters: Why Adverse Outcomes Cluster in Individuals. (
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Transition to parenthood and mental health at 30 years: a prospective comparison of mothers and fathers in a large Brazilian birth cohort.
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Correlates of youth violence in low- and middle-income countries: A meta-analysis. (
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Suicidal thought in southern Brazil: Who are the most susceptible? (
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