Director of DOVE gives online lectures at the Seminar on the National Pact for Early Childhood

The DOVE Research Center director, Joseph Murray, will give two lectures at the Seminar on the National Pact for Early Childhood – Southern Region, which will take place on the 19th and 20th of August. There will be open transmission on the National Council of Justice of Brazil (CNJ) YouTube channel.

The meeting is part of the project, “Justice Begins in Childhood: strengthening the performance of the justice system in promoting rights for integral human development”, coordinated by the CNJ.

The objective is to promote dialogue between the people and institutions responsible for early childhood care in the states of the Southern region, in addition to sensitizing professionals from the Justice System and the System for Guaranteeing the Rights of Children and Adolescents across the country about the importance of integrated action for the implementation of the Legal Framework for Early Childhood.

At the opening, a Solemnity of Adhesion to the National Pact for Early Childhood will be held, to which all Courts of Justice, Attorneys General, Public Defenders, Sections of the Brazilian Bar Association, Legislative Assemblies, state governments, and city halls of the Southern Region capital cities, among other institutions that work in favour of early childhood rights will be invited.

The event is aimed at researchers and all of the networks of professionals and legal practitioners involved in ensuring rights and care in early childhood – the phase from gestation to the first six years of life – which is considered crucial for healthy human development.

DOVE’s director starts his contribution to the seminar on Thursday, the 19th, at 2 pm, with the presentation of the lecture “Prevention of violence from the promotion of parental interactions in early childhood”, within Workshop 3 – Valuing parenthood: support for families to form and strengthen ties in early childhood. There is a live broadcast at this link.

On the second day of the event, Friday, the 20th, Murray gives the lecture “Longitudinal analysis of the effect of parent imprisonment on children”, within the programming of Workshop 1 – Ensuring the right to family life among children and mothers/fathers deprived of liberty, starting at 2pm and with live broadcasting at this link.

Also, the mayor of Pelotas, Paula Mascarenhas, and the president of the Safe City Institute, Tâmara Biolo Soares, present the Pelotas Pact for Peace, on Friday, the 20th. This is a municipal public policy that includes 17 projects to address the root causes of violence. The lecture is part of the Workshop 3 – Right to play, culture, and safe environment and prevention of child labour, violence, and accidents, starting at 2 pm. Among the actions of the Pact are two interventions implemented with the support and evaluation of Dove researchers, under the coordination of Professor Murray: the Book-sharing parent-training programme and the ACT: Raising Safe Children. Both aim to guide families on how to raise their children based on affection, safety, and stimulation of children’s cognitive development.

For more information, please see the schedule (available in Portuguese).

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